
ProLon® is a 5-day dietary program carefully designed to nourish and rejuvenate your body while supporting metabolic balance. The ProLon FastingMimicking Diet® gives many of the benefits of a fast while letting you eat delicious food to help fight hunger and lose weight while protecting lean body mass. Get a trimmer waistline and many of the associated benefits of fasting without requiring ongoing lifestyle changes, such as long-term dieting.

What areas can be treated?

How does it work?

This 5-day meal program provides scientifically researched micro- and macro-nutrients in precise quantities and combinations that nourish you but are not recognized as food by your body and therefore mimics a fasting state!


When are results noticeable?

Results are noticeable after the 5-day meal program is completed.

how many cycle do i need?

While you will see improvement from the first from the first cycle(5-day meal program). research show that optimal are achieved after 3 cycle. one month apart.

Interested in learning more about Prolon 5-day meal program?

 Book you FREE online consultation to chat with one of our experts and see if this service is right for you – without leaving your home.